
One Less One Skein

Dear T

It didn't really hit me until I returned home this afternoon as I sat down on the sofa to knit a few rows of yet another Lopi felted bowl. The world of needlecrafters has lost a precious copy of Leigh Radford's One Skein. Some dinky vandal set the library chute on fire right after I was forced to return my long-awaited copy! If only I had waited one more day, my penalty of 30 cents in library fines would have seemed peanuts. If only I had ventured a little more out of my way and hit the Sherwood branch on my way home from London Yarns. If only I had remembered to return it to the Westmount branch when I was there earlier in the morning to pick up my holds. I could have saved it.

On a sunnier note, Congratulations! - from an idiot who failed the driver's test the first time.

Now be honest. Was I your inspiration to cable? Did you remember my lesson?

I must be off to my book club. I cheated and looked up some literary reviews so I would have something to add to the discussion. Don't get me wrong - I read the book, but like three weeks ago. I just needed a little refreshing. They might think something's up when I use the big words I rehearsed!


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