
Brrrr-day Weekend

Dear N,

Reading Hawksley's letter brought me back to last year when we went to see him in concert. Remember how early we got there? It was amazing and I impatiently await his next concert date in the Twin Cities, if that ever happens.

As I write this, I realize that I'm the only person in the office (blogging during work time, gasp!). Should I have gone to the meeting this morning? Oh well...

Last night I made a birthday cake to celebrate T's birthday and his mother's as well. His parents arrive from TO today, which is great, but it's gonna be cold! Like nostril freezing cold. So I wasn't feeling too creative last night and not exactly in a cake decorating mood. I had no idea how to decorate a cake for a 28 year old grad student and his 60-ish year old mother. I ended up putting a green fondant scarf around the (chocolate) cake and writing "Happy Brrr-day" on the top. Probably the cheesiest non-cheese cake ever!

Now that we have settled into the deep freeze of January and February I am feeling like all I want to do is curl up in front of the fire with my knitting and a big bowl of homemade mac and cheese. I've taken to making my own since I can no longer get the President's Choice white cheddar mix that you got me hooked on. I plan on trying out this recipe from Rachel Ray via Shelterrific.

Looks good, eh? I know, RayRay is so NOT my favorite person on the Food Network, however, this recipe sounds easy for a weekday and I trust Shelterrrific.

Our friend in North Carolina is pregnant. Congratulations to her and her husband on their first little one! What knitting projects will you be starting on? We have until August! Start knitting! Oh and my "One Skein" just arrived! Perfect timing or what?

Take care and stay warm,


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