
Last Minute Fabric Gifts

Dear N,

It is wet, wet, wet here in the mid-west. I feel quite at home in the constant rain that we've been having for about a week now. I keep hearing people complain about the gloominess and the dampness and think, they don't know what it's like to have 30 straight days of rain like we had one year in Vancouver. However, I do miss the sunshine and hope that we get a few nice days for Easter next week.

Anyway, I got 'Last Minute Fabric Gifts' by Cynthia Treen from the library. Lots of lovely pictures, as in 'Last Minute Knitted Gifts' but I found the projects not as exciting. There's a travel bag that I'd like to make for T and the little bunnies and play mat are simply adorable.

I also like the simplicity of this pillow.

I can't say that there are many other projects that I would make so for me, I don't think I'd buy the book. I wish you were here so you could look through it too but if I were you, I'd go back to the bookstore and look at it again. There are patterns for some simple scarves, a sarong, and fabric belts that you may like.

Hope you had a great weekend (looks like you got lots done) and hope it was a lot drier than mine!


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