
March of the Penguin

This morning in a moment of insanity, I decided to walk to work. I always think how easy it would be to walk every day, but I am excellent at thinking up excuses. Most days, I have to drop B off at daycare, and I would need the car to drive her home again; however, truth be told, that kid has two very long sturdy legs, and she is fully capable of walking or taking a bus as well as I am. I am certain that time is always an issue as well. I enjoy getting ready in the morning at my leisure – it’s not all leisurely since I am not only getting myself showered, dressed and fed, but two other little ones as well. And the weather plays a role in my decision-making on the days when it is freezing, raining, windy, grey, too hot, too cold, wet, snowy, icy . . . . Doesn’t leave me many days to take that walk. Know what I mean? So I am either rushed, have too much baggage (that includes a tot), and the weather is not up to my standard.

But that’s not all. My feet have been destroyed by too many years of being on my feet serving customers for minimum wage for nine hours a day then walking, biking or standing longer for buses in crappy shoes because I couldn’t afford a vehicle never mind a good pair of shoes. That was five days a week for seven years – no vacation and no sick days. After my walk to work this morning those stumps that look like feet were burning!

I’m going to see if I can buy some gel pads my soles and see if that makes a difference. I hope it does because I really enjoyed the walk. Things I found out:

· People on the path are friendly, and I was really getting into greeting passers-by with salutations. Good morning to you too!

· Construction is no more easier to avoid. In fact I encountered more roadwork than I have in my entire life. It’s as if the City is rebuilding my entire walk to work. I am not exaggerating! Every ten steps I had to cross the street. In addition to gel pads, I will be on the lookout for a yellow hard hat.

· Construction workers are hunky – even the old raggedy guys. I love me a muscle-y arm. Oh dear.

· Sweaty shirts take about two hours to dry. And the minister’s wife has deodorant in her office. How come she doesn’t have nail clippers?

· Tretorns are great for tennis, but not for walking – I actually learned this back when I took that walk after dinner, and I saw the Star Wars wedding by the river. I think I was laid up for a couple days after that. Who said bringing back the 80’s would be easy?

· Take the camera. This goes back to the Star Wars wedding. Who’s going to seriously believe that?

· Walking takes as long as driving some days. I got to work in about 40 minutes. If I hit construction or an accident and drop B off at daycare – this is actually the same amount of time. I didn’t spend have my morning waiting for lights to turn green!! It was liberating.

I will definitely be walking again this week! Really.


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