
Weekend Warriors

Dear N,

Oh how I would give anything to bite into a just-picked apple! Your lovely photos took me back to my childhood in Fredericton when we went apple picking every fall. Like your girls, my sisters and I would climb and pick and eat the day away. We've got some pretty fantastic pictures of us in our 80's haircuts and bellbottoms sitting on tree branches. I would post one but all of the pictures are back at my parents'. Fast forward fifteen years and I can't go within ten feet of an apple. Ok, I can have cooked apples so I can still enjoy a pie or a crisp with some ice cream but I am really quite allergic to fresh apples. I dream of biting into a fresh Mac like I did when I was a child. I know it sounds funny but when you can't have something, it really makes you want it all the more. T is well aware of my many allergies and keeps me in line or else I'd just eat stuff that I can't because I have no self control.

I haven't done much knitting this weekend as T and I have become weekend warriors (if only for just one weekend). We hauled two tables that needed repainting out to the garage and armed with our load of supplies from the Home Depot attempted to make them look better. One of the tables had about three very thick layers of paint on it and I could just hear those layers of paint laughing at our little electric sander as it tried to strip it all off. It's Sunday night and only one of the tables is ready to paint. I'll show you pictures when they're done.

Still working on my mesh bag. The pattern is from the Summer 2007 issue of Knitty. I've always wanted a mesh bag to take with me to the market and grocery store because my mother had one when I was a kid and I always thought that she was so chic. Michael's had chocolate brown Lily Sugar 'N Cream on sale for $1/ball! Needless to say my mesh bag is knitted in chocolate brown Sugar 'N Cream. Yum!
I love the kettle! Great Danish modern style!

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