
Cold Coffee and Sour Oranges

Old sour grapes, tell me a story of two naked lovers! How death defying! And then it’s supposed to a bloody orange, but mine is just sour. Blah, blah, blah . . .

Have you lost that holiday feeling? I am uncomfortably full of chocolate bonbons well-meaningly strewn all about the staff room, and Tig Tig has been chuffing the curling ribbon she has chewed off all the presents under the tree. What a wonderful sound by which to awaken! I forgot about the latter issue when wrapping gifts last weekend. I carelessly thought I was steps ahead of the game. Anyone in need of a charming chubby tabby?

So I am trying to mix up the sweets with plenty ‘o’ citrus to counteract all the cocoa and shortbread and the bloatedness that follows. A couple of oranges and clemmys a day is what I have self-prescribed for the next few weeks. I will definitely not catch a case of the scurvy before I can enjoy my Christmas presents. I put wool on my Santa list, so I am hoping that I get at least a mother-flippin’ hank or two. My dad did mention that there was a Mary Maxim’s in Port Huron. I don’t really know what that means – maybe fancy acrylic or novelty yarn? Now that I think about it, perhaps I should have asked for a set of circs. What the heck was I thinking???

I found the PERFECT gift tags here. Go ahead, I will wait while you print off a few sheets.

My gazelle-like cousin who is not only absolutely gorgeous and brilliant is out to save the world, and she always forwards me the latest environmental and political news. Check out this site she sent me today! I LOVE it; albeit it’s a tad late. I need to set some time aside to review this list of alternatives for Christmas presents. I would use most of these gift ideas year-round.

The majority of my holiday knitting is completed – the important pieces anyway. I queued a few easy quick projects if I finished ahead of schedule, and I have started on those immediately. I sent J out to pick up last minute gift cards for the items I could not handcraft myself, and some video games for the nephews. I am feeling very good about everything. I still need to wrap up the girls’ gifts from Saint Nicholas, and tie a bow on the super-duper snow shovel I bought for J. I know it seems a bit un-intimate, but I think it will be a welcome surprise from the current snow shovel that we purchased just last year. The handle keeps coming off the shaft of the shovel meaning every time I push the snow and I start to retreat with the shovel, the shovel falls to the driveway, and I am left standing with the handle remaining in my gloved hand. This gets annoying about the hundredth time. And I can only imagine what the neighbours are thinking peeking out from behind their living room curtains, because I would certainly be getting quite the chuckle out of watching someone else shovel snow with this shovel.

As for holiday parties and dinners, I have two to attend and one to host. I got off quite nicely. I do need to clarify with my sister very soon if I am supposed to be bringing a cheese tray or buns Christmas Day. Nicole, if you’re reading this, send me a quick email ASAP! I wish this week would finish, so I can begin to really gorge. Mmmm . . . turkey!

I am looking forward to having two weeks off this year while the girls are on their break from school. I haven’t a thing planned past Boxing Day, but I have no doubt that it will be jammed full of stuff including lots of lounging about in our pyjamas. I should also check to see if everyone has ice skates that fit. I didn’t realize how much I miss skating when I went ice skating with some friends last year. It really is exhilarating! All this last year talk has gotten me to thinking that Balkan Style is nearly a year old! What do you say we do?


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