
Stop searching. Happiness will find you.

That's what my beef lo mein's fortune cookie told me to do, so I am sitting here waiting.

All kidding aside, things are going rather smoothly around here as best as they can. The littlest is a bit tired today, and I am thinking it all the stuff in the air and the spring cleaning has made it a bit challenging to breathe. We meant to get out this afternoon to help clean up the neighbourhood, but she really just wants to lay down for a bit. Poor thing. It's a shame because it's absolutely gorgeous outside today. Our yard is blooming lilac bushes, forsythia, and daffodils. I even saw some of the hosta plants poking their little sprouts out. It's pretty exciting. Our gardens always look best in the spring. By late summer, the bees terrify me, and I race between house and car like a maniac. Needless to say, I don't garden much when that begins to happen.

I found this little gem at Chapters last weekend, and I am pretty pumped about getting out the sewing machine and doing every single project. How come I had never seen it before? It's brilliant and totally my speed, not to mention style.

And I bought a little sumpin' sumpin' for a little Presto Chango! I'm sure there's a baby being born somewhere begging to wear this puppy. Until then, I will just enjoy the knitting.

Here's the highlight of our week - Charlotte Diamond signing her autograph on B's newest DVD. B was on top of the world - and she sang and danced to every song from our FRONT row seats. It was a blast! This is one of those yearly rituals that I will sorely miss when B outgrows Charlotte. :(

Oh, and we've begun reading Anne of Green Gables out loud and cuddled up in bed. I've noticed there's a lot of big and fancy words for a 5-year old to comprehend, but it's hard not to enjoy the pretty diction regardless if I have to do a little extra explaining at the end of each paragraph.



  1. I hope your little girl starts feeling better soon..I thought about learing to sew but knitting took over my life lol I am glad B had fun seeing Charlotte Diamond

  2. It's the late summer spiders that get to me - I become afraid of the paths and corners in the yard.

    Quilts have been calling me for a while; I'll have to check out that book. What are you going to do first?

    Oh, and Anne! Yippie! I hope she likes it, even with the having to explain. I don't have a lot of hope that Liam will be in to that anytime soon (make that anytime), but Olivia will be five in two and a half years!
