
Happy Mums Day

My mum is in Spain today, so I had to give her the Monkey socks a week early, and I was thrilled that she was very pleased with them. They fit! I hope that she is having the time of her life. I can think of no one who deserves it more. I mean, the lady had to put up with me for twenty years in her home, and she is still putting up with my antics over a decade later. She's nothing short of a saint.

Happy Mothers Day!


1 comment:

  1. Balkan Style Bloggers has won my blogiversary competition. Congratulations! (One of) you said such lovely things about my painting I was really glad that your name came up! Can you please email me the address I can send the package to. My email is inkberryblue AT gmail DOT com. Thanks. By the way, what gorgeous socks! One day, I'd love to be able to knit something as lovely.
