
Our Newest Addition

This wee kangaroo is very life-like and somewhat repelling, but I couldn't resist picking it up for B last weekend at Heidi's yard sale. I am assuming that the fur is real kangaroo fur. B absolutely loves the kanga, and it now holds a very special spot by her bed. I keep noticing how it is looking back at me. Ew.
I finished another cowl with an orange skein of Misti Alpaca Chunky that I bought at The Knit Cafe in Toronto. I whipped this puppy up while watching PS I Love You. Not a fantastic movie, but watchable I suppose. The girls want to go see the new Narnia movie - I need to find a good time to take them. I forgot to show you the Billie alpaca! Isn't it lovely?

It's time to get into my pjs and settle in with a cup of tea and some mint chocolate ice cream. I have my sock knitting, and I plan to get comfy for some good Thursday night tv-watching. Cheers!



  1. I thought that PS I Love you was alright. I saw it in theaters w/Sean (Mommy & Baby movie!) but that was the last straw, all he wanted to do was crawl up & down the stairs, so that was our last movie!

    Great cowl. I gotta knit me one!

  2. When I first saw the photo I was wondering if it was real or not lol it is a wee bit scary looking lol your cowl came out wonderful
