
Remember to Renew Battlestar Galactica

She might look a little strange, but she had plenty of motive. She planned to fit in with the alpacas by wearing a cream wool cardy with her toque and mittens, and Erica Bear wore her furry jacket. I can't think of anyone who was as excited as B to visit the alpaca farm on Monday. This kid could hardly contain it! She was dressed like this for two hours before we left.

- Hey, alpacas! I'm over here! I'm your alpaca pal! Yoo-hoo!
- Wha?
Here's an alpaca waiting in line to be sheared. It was a bit brutal watching a group of people strapping the alpacas to the table for shearing and having to hold down the poor animal. I had to explain it to the littlest that it didn't hurt the alpaca, but the alpaca was a bit frightened nevertheless.

We even got to tour the processing mill and touch a lot of alpaca. B was right when she compared it with a fluffy cloud. This stuff didn't weigh a thing, and it was so-o-o-o soft. Of course I came home with two hanks of chunky alpaca from an creamy-coloured alpaca named Billie. I plan on making myself some Billie mittens for next winter.

I'm off to bed. I'm getting to be old. 9 p.m. is getting past my bedtime.

1 comment:

  1. How cute is she!

    A couple of weeks ago, my 5.5 year old daughter went to work with hubby on "bring your kids to work" day at his office. She was up at 5am, all dressed and ready to go...the alarm was set to go off around 6am.
