
I've lost that lovin' feeling

No, this is not a cake shaped like balls of yarn. It's unfortunately just balls of washable wool just sitting there waiting for my knitting mojo to return. I'm not sure where it has gone. Perhaps it has melted away with this summer heat or perhaps it got unraveled along with my too small Rusted Root. Wherever it has gone, I'm determined to get it back. Let's cast on for a dishcloth, shall we?

In the meantime, this has taken over my dining room table.I'm happy to say that the wedding invitations have been delivered to our house, bows tied, envelopes stuffed and are all ready to go. I love them but probably spent way too much time (at work) working on the map and directions. You can never have too much detail...right?

1 comment:

  1. I hope your mojo comes back soon it seems everything I try & cast one just doesn't look right & its starting to piss me off to say the least so maybe I should just stop for a day & wait till I am feeling better...

    WTG on the wedding invitations the map & directions is a great idea I am sure it will come in handy there is always that one person who can't find where they are going...
