
Side-tracked But Not For Long

I am supposed to be knitting up a couple second socks and finishing the Woodland Shawl, and in the event that those few projects are completed, I have a ton of stuff in the queue, not to mention the Christmas gifties I fully intend to knit in three months. So what am I doing casting on for a simple garter-stitch shawl with some stashed Boku? I haven't a clue. I am already through one ball and onto the second! This is insane. It's no wonder I literally feel like I am being stretched in a million different directions!

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  1. I can't stand the pressure of trying to knit to suit someone else. I get rebellious too.

    This year, I've decided to knit some little projects that interest me and if they work out for gifties, so be it. If not, there's always baking!

  2. I'm feeling it too. I have a million projects in mind, but these sweaters keep popping up that I have to knit NOW. {sigh}. That shawl is going to be so pretty in that yarn.

  3. Wow, this is an insane time of year with regard to being stretched every which way (ugh). I am working on my LAST WIP for the Fair (yahbloodyhoo). Then I can start knitting things I *really* want to knit again!

  4. I have what seems like a thousand things I want to make. The shawl is going to be goregous can't wait to see it.
