
Go Forth and Explore

Sunday morning at 8 a.m. (I had to wait until it was light outside), I went for a walk to the Farmers Market.
On my half an hour walk to the market, I saw one man. He peed on a tree while keeping eye contact with me. I am a competitor at heart, and I, too, kept my eyes locked with his, and at the same time attempted to appear non-chalant. I held my breath as I passed him, and he zipped up. I don't think I breathed again for about a block. If that was some sort of test, I hope I passed. By the way, the tree above was not the tree with pee.I have had the pleasure of passing this garden each day so far, and I am glad I was able to get a decent picture. Below the garden was a cozy Italian restaurant smells wonderfully delicious. I wish I had had the nerve to eat by myself. I'm kicking myself in the butt for not going in and gorging out on pasta and cappucinos!
How can one not enjoy a walk when the buildings are covered in wonderful art?

I was too in awe while browsing the Farmers Market, and I only took one picture of the fall bouquets - I picked up one for T. I have NEVER in my life seen so many tomatoes, peppers and onions in every colour under the sun. It was insane.
Here's the Basilica recovering from the wedding the day before. It was still standing. Can you believe that T has the privilege of attending Sunday mass here every week? I'm not Catholic, but this could convert a person easily.
Some very thoughtful and creative soul decorated the crosswalk sign. Sweet.
This was the view from the wedding suite - I got a peek while they were checking out yesterday. It was breath-taking.
Later, the T's took a bunch of us for a driving tour of the City, and we stopped at Lake Harriet and took more pictures. There were lots of sailboats out, bicycles zooming by, and families out strolling around the lake.

I only have one regret about this day. I forgot to go back to the booth that was selling Obama buttons for a dollar. That's today's goal. And maybe some yarn shopping!




  1. That is so funny! I just imagine you thinking, "I know that you're peeing," and he's thinking "I know you know I'm peeing." I'm glad you didn't stop to take a picture of that tree. ; )

    You take the most beautiful pictures; what a lovely walk. The one with the fabulous bouquets should be on my wall! Also: I like your shoes.

    I'm so glad you're having such a wonderful trip!

  2. Missing you N. But delighted to see the photos and read about your adventures in T's neck of the woods.

    The leaves are coming down here everywhere too. Such pretty colours. Stay safe, and stay away from treepees [laughing].

  3. Wow! Just caught up now after a VERY busy Thanksgiving! Looks like you've had a great time lately! LOVE the pics and the great descriptions!

  4. Great pictures. LOVE your shoes in the first pic!
