
Sins and Needles

It's dreary, rainy and grey today, but that's cool with me. It's also not windy or snowing or freezing out. If there's a trade to be had, wet blah days are preferred. A couple cups of coffee have been drunk, and I am just sorting through my 26 library books and movies that I can bear to return this afternoon 'cause I gots 23 holds to pick up, and my max items are 40 on one card. Doing the math is hurting my head. There should be a rule against math on the weekend. Before anyone goes calculating it all for me, I've run around the house and randomly made a pile by the front door of stuff to go back. I think I'm good. The head librarian at my branch has a reputation of scaring patrons silly, so I get a little anxious before I go - I have to make sure I've covered my bases. And it kills me to return my loans to the library. I get attached too easily. Reason #103 not to foster.

This blog is becoming a blog about the library. Not my intention. I do have other interests. Honest. In fact, I finished some projects this week. I sewed a few more zippered pouches, 'cause I'm hooked, but I also did a little knitting, 'cause I got stuck at the walk-in again with a feverish littlest for three hours one evening, and you just can't take a sewing machine with you to the clinic. Nope. Impossible. Yet it's entirely possible to write a crazy running-on sentence. I have a pair of fingerless mitts for El completed, and only a picture of one to show. I mentioned there was no sun today, right? I used Estelle Arequipa fingering weight wool with a touch of alpaca on 3mm circs and a free handout pattern from Shall We Knit that caught the El's eye before Christmas. Originally she was supposed to knit them, but I got scared when she tried knitting in the round. She kept knitting in the wrong direction, and when I would just go with that, she would begin to knit in the right direction. I didn't know what else to do but just knit them myself which was just fine with her.

Everyone is happy! Oh, and I bought 32 more zippers just because one can't have enough zippers. Don't underestimate the power of the zipper. At the rate I am using them up, 32 may be enough to get me through March. I never imagined that this would be a real concern. Oh dear.



  1. Hey sweetie! :D
    It's been a while since i've commented..Just thought i'd let you know i'm still reading!
    I also wanted to let you know since you are on this zipper thing right now that I saw a TON at Talize yesterday afternoon for like 50c-99c each, they had some nice colours, and LOTS and different sizes and styles(cause i nearly bought some)..hope this helps! ~~christy/scrappymom

  2. Library! You can tie your card together with other family members and viola... 120 possible holds! (for us anyway.) It makes me very happy.

  3. The mitts are great and awesome yarn!

  4. wow - what the hell do you get? I never know what to pick.

  5. I followed your link from LM's and love your blog. Great pictures! I'm looking forward to your next post.

  6. Those mittens look awesome.

    Where do you buy zippers from? Wow, 32, that's a lot!
