
Haunted for Wanting

The littlest found the Easter box tucked away in the basement, and the funnest (not a real word alert) time was had. I nearly didn't notice that my winter picture was still on the mantle, and that can't be with spring just outside the door, so the spring/summer picture was unearthed and put up. The hardwood floors were washed up, the dreaded dusting was accomplished, and the donation piles destined for the Goodwill made a mountain in the foyer. Now I have three more days to spend with family and chill. Ooh, I discovered a Quebecoise chanteuse, and I'm simply enchanted. I wish I could sing along in French. On a random note, only related to the spring cleaning mood here, El found this old dried up clemmy leftover from her Christmas stocking in her room while tidying up, and then determined it worthy enough to capture with the camera after parading it around like some seventh wonder. My lord. See what I'm up against?

So three of us went for a walk while El finished hunting through her room for more decomposed fruit, and the littlest posed in the spring tunic and another skirt I stitched up this week. I might as well take advantage of her skirt-loving now while I can. I'm pretty certain that by Grade 3 El wouldn't touch a skirt with a 10-foot pole. I asked her to stand by the tree, and she posed like so. I no longer fight these things - it's always best to go with the flow of a 6-year old, but I can't imagine what the neighbours were thinking!

Happy Good Friday! It was indeed good.



  1. Sounds like you guys had a busy day!! Got to love that B - tell her she's hawt!

  2. Did you knit the Spring Tunic? Totally cute. Love the skirt too!
