
All in Good Time

The girls gave me a lilac tree on my first mother's day in our house, and each year the leaves are powder-y by mid-summer. This is probably hard to vision but you're going to have to trust me on this one -much like when I described my co-worker opening a plastic container from the fridge this morning to find a garden salad so old that it 'splashed' all over her! I think the tree may be diseased, but it keeps coming back in the spring all anew. This year I ran out to the tree to snip off as many flowers as I could so that I could place them all over the house. Ooh, I just made a mental note to never use 'lay' or 'lie' ever again when plainly I could use 'rest' and 'place' instead. The past and present tenses of each verb confuse me, and precious time is wasted looking it up in my grammar bible. We'll just never speak of them again. Deal? I present to you - pictures of my lilacs. Can't you just smell them???



  1. Love the new banner photo! These lovely lilacs would be great up there too.

  2. We must figure out what ails the lilac. I'm thinking of putting one in my tiny yard, far better than 6 cedars.

    2 out, 4 more to go. 2 blisters to prove the work.

  3. So jealous that you have a Lilac tree. I just LOVE the smell!
