
30 Days of Happiness :: Mara

Well, it's been done for a few weeks, but I hadn't managed to get a good picture until today. Please note that the Bee was a bit peeved at having her Scooby-Doo marathon interrupted, and modelling the shawl was made even more difficult by the big ketchup stain on her shirt. I begged her to cover it up the best she could, and at one point, I might have wrestled her. I think we're bestest friends again.
Pattern: Mara
Yarn: 3 balls of Patons Classic Merino Wool in a rich red tweed
Needles: 6 mm circ
Time: approximately three weeks of travel and tv knitting while finishing up the Cobblestone

I'd definitely give this pattern a go again. It was very simple and mindless. Totally my style.



  1. It's a lovely little wrap that fits your lovely little model perfectly. Never would have guessed there was a ketchup stain in the least.

  2. It really is lovely N. Is this one for the Bee or is it for you?

    I saw it in person of course and it's even lovelier :-)

  3. It's lovely. Who is the lucky recipient? Now I totally want to knit one.
