
Soda Bread: A Review

Any hope of dieting has just flown out the window.  I've discovered Soda Bread.  More importantly, I've discovered Alice Waters' The Art of Simple Food.   The book is described as 19 culinary lessons and more than 250 everyday recipes that illustrate just how easy it is to eat wonderfully well if you cook, eat, and live by these fundamental guidelines:

  • eat locally and sustainably
  • eat seasonally
  • shop at farmers' markets
  • plant a garden
  • conserve, compost and recycle
  • cook simply
  • cook together
  • eat together
  • remember food is precious
I decided to start with the soda bread because it had four ingredients, required no rising or kneading, and was true to its word of taking under an hour from start to finish.  Really.   And it's delicious.  Funny thing is, it was so simple that I continued to bake because I hadn't even begun to scratch my itch to bake.  So I baked my ol' stand-by chocolate chip muffins.   I then offered up my gift of bread and muffins to my little family, and they gobbled up my bread and left the muffins on the counter all sad and chocolate-y.   Now I must figure out what to make next.



  1. This is awesome N. Any chance of you sharing the recipe?

  2. Any chance that you take orders? LOL

  3. That looks yummy! The only "bread" I know how to make is banana or zucchini!
