This week, we came across an old CD loaded with pictures from 2005, and then we spent an entire night laughing and exclaiming how adorable those girls of ours were. I'm not sure what the Bumblebee is doing here. Possibly picking hair out of her mouth, or maybe she was caught stealing a cookie or something. Who knows! What I do know is that I want to gobble up that sweet little two-year old. Her eyes are huge, and I loved that dress. She had two of them, but the other had blue flowers where they're red on this one. I am super glad that she grew out of the giant hair knot on the back of her head. When she was a baby up until she was three or four, she would wake up with the nastiest knot in her hair on the back of her head. I would brush it out each time with a vengeance, but as I brushed it out, her hair would get all static-y and stand in all directions. It was the weirdest thing. I do NOT miss that recurring knot! The hair everywhere else on her head would look oddly normal as you see above. I can't believe I didn't remember the hair until I saw all these pictures. What else have I forgotten?
That's too funny, I was doing a huge back-up of all my photos of what I've ever taken digitally, and was going down memory lane as well! IT's fun!