
Got milk?

We're soy milk drinkers. We seldom have "real" milk in the house and when we do, it sits in the fridge and then eventually spoils. I opened up the nearly full litre of milk that we had in the fridge (from Mr. T's foray into birthday cake baking) and immediately noticed the sour smell emanating from the jug. Gross, yet the frugal Fran in me felt like it was such a waste so off I went to Google some ideas for what I could do with all of this bad milk. There are tons of recipes out there! You would be surprised at what can be made out of sour milk. There's everything from cheese to quick bread to chocolate cake, which is what I made.
Essentially, sour milk is like buttermilk and any recipe calling for buttermilk can be substituted with that jug of sour milk that's sitting in your fridge. This cake was delicious, chocolatey, moist, and you would never guess that there was spoiled milk in it. When life gives you sour milk, make chocolate cake!


  1. The same thing happens around here with milk to I only drink soy & Mk uses non dairy creamer. I never thought to look online for recipes that chocolate cake looks yummy

  2. Nice T :-)

    I always use sour milk to make pikelets (little baby pancakes just the size of your palm) and then smother then in butter and strawberry jam. Mmm....va

  3. Thanks for the link to that great blog.

  4. Don't forget about Irish soda bread- it's the perfect time of year for it. Just please, no green frosting. Ugh.
