
Meeting a Challenge

I've conquered the art of baking bread from scratchety-scratch.  I think two perfect loaves counts as conquering.  Don't ask for a repeat performance just yet.  I'm still recuperating.  It takes a long time.  And I didn't use a bread machine.  Just two noodle-y arms.  Whew!  The rear loaf is whole wheat sandwich bread and the front loaf is cinnamon raisin.  A couple thick slices of the whole wheat with some cheddar made the most delicious grilled cheese sandwich I've had in forever!  MMmmmm.  I used Peter Reinhart's Whole Grain Breads recipe book.  This book is very detailed, and I believe, if followed meticulously, one can not possibly go wrong.  I have a few of his other books on hold at the library.  By the time, my holds arrive, I'll be plenty rested up for another bread baking session.  :)



  1. those look great N! congrats! :D
    a few of my friends have beeen into baking their own breads lately, but i haven't braved it myself yet! lol.

  2. Dude, you made bread and you didn't call me? I think I'm hurt!

    They look really good!

  3. I've tried to make bread a few times, but it always seems to taste "yeasty" to me. How did yours taste? Cos they look totally awesome!
