
Five Alive in the Pocket

We drove out of the city to a pancake house and maple syrup shack, and we filled up on pancakes and sausages for the year.  Seriously.  I am good until March 2011.  Now I have a hankering for some greens.  :)

Dear weekend, it's so good to see you.  Please stay a while longer than last weekend, and let me enjoy you a bit. 



  1. Yum indeed!
    I look forward to nothing more this month than going home for Easter and visiting a sugar bush with my family like I used to once a year when I was little.

    Memories I still remember, cherish and long to relive. Enjoy yours!

  2. Oooh, baby cows! Love it! Best part in my opinion is watching calves out in pasture for the first time, kicking up their heels. Missing my farm.
