
Slide Bump is Only the Best Game on the Playground

Followed the Bumblebee to the park after dinner, and I knit a handful of repeats on the lacy baktus, and when I got home, I switched up my knitting gears and started on a pair of EZ's Norwegian Mittens using some leftover Briggs & Little from J's Cobblestone and some leftover cream merino wool from my most recent sweater.  This shall be my May project.   Who says rowlets???   EZ, of course.  Ooh, and the lilacs in my backyard are in bloom, and the sweet fragrance makes me want to dance in circles.   If only I was not crippled from Friday night's soccer practice!   I'm hoping to recover in time for tomorrow night's practice, but the enormous bowls of raspberry bugaboo ice cream are not helping at all.   Oh dear.



  1. Hey N, your 9 yr old nephew has followed in your footprints, he started his own blog. Check it out


  2. Those mittens will be lovely. Can't wait to see them done.

    Oh the lilacs, I can smell them from here!

  3. another EZ? I'm soooo behind! But the lilacs are pretty!
