
Squeaky Clean

I made my own shampoo this morning and  washed my hair with it.  I'll pilot it out a bit longer and let you know how it goes.

I just combined 1/3 cup of tea tree liquid castile soap, 1/3 cup of water and 1 tbsp of vegetable oil.  It's just a small batch while I am in the experiment stage still.

Day 1: My mane feels squeaky clean.  Now I'm off to google hair conditioners.



  1. Actually, I wonder if that would be good for Bogey?! I spend a small fortune on soothing, organic crap that I wash down the drain anyway. Hmmm

  2. Hm.. interesting. I'm curious how it is over longer term. Do keep us posted.

  3. I'm an anxious to hear what you think of this. I recently acquired EcoBeauty and that is their recipe for shampoo as well but I haven't tried it yet. There are several conditioner recipes in that book too.
