
A Grey Meret Beret

Once again, for the record, she was very happy to pose with the hat on her head, but apparently 'serious' was the look she was trying to achieve.  And achieve she did.  The grey Meret beret was two days of leisurely knitting, and believe me when I say the pattern was mindless.  Using a hank of Berroco Vintage - a wool/acryclic blend - I cast on the medium size, but followed the large size body with an extra pattern repeat for extra slouchiness.  It was meant for the oldest, but she has thick, long, curly hair that can not be contained with this size of beret, so I will be casting on for a second extra, extra, extra slouchy Meret beret.  I can do this.



Straw Flower Love

A $2.50 bouquet of straw flowers from the market is happiness.


A Month of Socks

I could get used to churning out a couple of pairs of socks a month.  Sure, they're plain ol' vanilla stockinette socks, but they're even easier when they're knit to fit an 8-year old.  Only 52 sts on my 2.5mm addis!  Oh how a world of difference only 8 less stitches makes. :)  Please note that my model couldn't even stand up to pose.  She never even took her eyes off the laptop to pull the socks on.  Oh dear.  It's time for a walk to the park.

Happy Sunday, friends.



Sweet Tooth

Only a week and a half until the girls are back at school.  Where did the summer go?   Back-to-school shopping to top up the school supplies and a few items of clothing has been completed.  We'll probably need a few pairs of shoes.  Shoe shopping is dreadful.  Ice cream might make it better.  Or a cocktail. 



Lavender Blue Farm

I found myself with four kids on the weekend, and so we went on a little adventure to the nearby lavender farm.  It was a bit drizzle-y and overcast - perfect for taking pictures and smelling lavender.

I bought a bag of dried lavender to sew sachets for my wool stashes and a vial of lavender essential oil to make my own linen spray.   I could have fallen asleep right in that field - except four kids will keep you alert.  Just saying.



My EYES!!!

What does one do when her projects in progress are blinding her?  Cast on another florescent number of course.  On the top we have a new pair of stripey socks for the Bumblebee that I hope to have finished in time for her birthday early September, and on the bottom is a featherweight cardigan for myself.  I hope to have the cardigan completed by the end of my life.  Knitting a cardigan out of lace is insanity, but so soft.   What you don't see pictured here is a fair isle vest that I am about to start.   I still need to accomplish steeking this year, so I have chosen EZ's fair isle vest from her Knitting Workshop.  The Bumblebee loves vests, and I am too lazy to knit an adult-sized vest.  That's the truth of it.  I found some old Quebecoise 2-ply wool in the stash in bright raspberry pink, bright orange, bright green and bright turquoise.  Are you seeing a pattern?  This may be a good time to get my eyes checked.



World view and some old skool knitting

Right now if I were to look in front of me I would see this.It's never too early for some butter toffee with your morning coffee, right? Yes, that's a laptop and a keyboard. How people type on laptop keyboards, I have no idea. About the toffee, I made up a practice batch last night for my dad. He likes crunchy things and since Mr. T and I will be seeing our families next week I thought that I should bring something for him since the women in the family are getting hand sewing and knitted things. Dads tend to get left by the wayside in terms of handmade items, at least with me anyway. You can't go wrong with some crunchy, buttery, chocolatey goodness. The toffee was very easy to make and tastes like a Skor bar, or Heath bar if you live south of the 49th.These headbands (or lamp decorations?) are for the little girls. They're the Old Skool Headbands from Lion Brand. You could easily make a bunch of these in one night while watching a Blue Jays game being streamed through the computer onto your television, not that I would know. Happy Tuesday!


No Signal Detected

I need to edit my photos more.  I am normally too lazy to touch them up, but I really should.  I found this in my photo archives, and it had to be taken early on in the summer.  I had to put that blanket on the white sofa because the cat was leaving an obvious fur blanket all over it.  The hazy 70's-look to the photo must have been an experiment with some photo editor, but I have no idea which one I used.  I'm going to have to add that to my sleuthing list.

The To-Sleuth List
  • What the heck was that yarn I used to knit the spiral hats?
  • What photo editor application made my fur-covered sofa look so dang cool?
  • When will all the teen emo drama end?
  • Why does the soccer ball always go to the opposing team when I kick it?
  • What was I thinking when I cast on for a cardigan with lace-weight yarn?
  • How do I find an oompa loompa to do my yard work?
Off to find some clues . . .


Sunday Morning

Mmm ... coffee and muffins.   Sunday mornings, I love you.  Everyone is still in bed.  It's peacefully quiet.  It just started pouring rain outside.  Just trying to figure out what needs to be done today and what I'd like to do today.  It looks like the rain is dying down.  Oh, dear.  I'd like it to rain a bit longer.  Not in a cancel-my-soccer-game kind of way, but in a playing-in-the-rain-is-nicer-than-killer-heat-during-soccer kind of way. Poo.  The sun's back out.   On the other hand, this could be good.  The front garden could use some whacking.  Well now it looks like I have something to do.



EZ #9

I started this spiral hat on what would have been EZ's 100th birthday  (8.9.10), went to work, and finished it by bedtime.  The next day I started another, and again, I finished it before bedtime.  Then I did it all over on the third day.  Now I have three, and I'm still itching to cast on another 10.   The best part is that the girls love them.  Success!   I think I have my go-to for gift knitting this winter.  Thanks again, EZ.


Local Community Initiatives

I've not always been a huge fan of living in London.  It took me a long time to call it home.  I moved here sixteen years ago from a small town less than an hour away.  It was a bit exciting and new at the time to live in a big city, but over time, it became clear that there weren't many reasons to stay here.  If I had a nickel for every person who has moved away, I'd have a mountain of nickels! (I'm looking at you, Mr. & Mrs. T!)  And then along came the internets to the rescue!    I've found that my most successful method of finding out all the cool stuff happening in my community is via twitterI'm not a very active twitter user - meaning I don't have much to add, but I have gotten so much out of it.   Here are a few projects that I've stumbled upon while stalking local tweets:

ecoLIVINGLondon is a new website that developed out of the London chapter of GreenDrinks, a monthly gathering of people concerned about the environment.  I plan on using this site for tips and ideas for green living as well as identifying local businesses that are offering green products and services.  The event listing alone is reason to keep this site on your radar.

Another really cool initiative is the idea of a Parking Day.  Know what that is?  I didn't, but now I do, and you should too.  It's super cool.  I'm not surprised because Kevin Van Lierop is always thinking and DOING up really cool stuff.   This guy needs to run for City Council some day - this was suggested on twitter, and I couldn't stop thinking about it.  It's true.  If London is an awesome place to live, it will be a direct result of what he's started.

Most recently I attended the first Ignite London event, and it was ten kinds of awesome.  You can watch the presentations on youtube here.  Registration for the next Ignite London on October 12 opened a few days ago, and it is beyond full, and it's still two months away.  Regardless registration is still open, so if you're reading this, for the love of Todd, go register now.  It's FREE!   And I almost won a pitcher of beer for building the highest spaghetti noodle structure to hold up a marshmallow.  What do you do on Tuesday nights?

As for knitting?  I've finished two EZ snail hats, and I've cast on for a third.  I'm addicted.   Pictures to come!

Happy Winds-day, my friends!



EZ #8

Tomorrow is what would have been Elizabeth Zimmermann's 100th birthday, and I find it fitting that I just finished one of her most classic designs - the Baby Surprise Jacket.   I used a few cheater row count sheets I found online to keep track of what I was doing, and I doubt I would have done as well without them.  However, next time I knit this pattern (and I definitely will make more!), I think I'd be okay without the spreadsheets.  I get it.  It's genius.  I did get a lot of weird looks while knitting this floppy piece of garter stitch.  I also want to make a crazy wild stripey jacket next time.  This one is a bit boring knit mainly with Patons Classic Merino Wool in paprika and a grey stripe of Cascade 220 - all leftovers from past projects.  Now on to find some sweet wooden buttons

Happy Sunday!



Linen and things

It's hot. It's been really hot here in the Midwest and I'm sure most everywhere else. I wont complain because summers here are fleeting and before we know it we'll be up to our eyeballs in the white stuff so I'll enjoy it while it lasts.It does make it a bit more difficult to enjoy the hot summers when you live in a very old house without central air. The other night it was just too hot to even sit on the sofa and watch tv that I turned on the window AC unit in the bedroom and retired to my sewing nook that's tucked in one of the eaves up in our attic bedroom. Thanks to the heat I now have a set of linen napkins that I've been meaning to make up for awhile now. I was able to get six 18x18 dinner sized napkins out of a 1.5 yard remnant of linen that was on sale. I love how soft linen gets as you use it and wash it. No more wasteful paper napkins and it adds a touch of luxury to everyday meals.


Pretty Peninsula

The Bumblebee's stripey socks are so worn out that she has holes in the toes.  So the EZ project was paused once again for a new pair of stripey socks.  I started the socks on the first day at the cottage, and I finished them the first day back at home.  They've been met with approval.  Sweet!

It's back to work tomorrow and some much needed soccer practice! 



Reflections of Tobermory

We're back!  Did you miss me?  :)  I missed this space, but I was kept busy with hiking, swimming, biking, kayaking, board games, reading, knitting, picture-taking, lots of ping pong, and the sort.   I see have a lot to catch up on around here - lots of blog reading, catching up on one or two tv shows, and the house is a disaster amidst all the unpacking.  There are at least eight full loads of laundry sitting rather unpatiently in front of the washer.  I am dreading opening the day planner as I do every time I step away for a holiday.  And baking!  Oh how I've missed baking!   I'll be doing some of that this weekend.  Bread, muffins, and maybe some cookies.  And I need to hit a fruit and veggie stand ASAP.   Mmm-mmm-mm . . .