
My EYES!!!

What does one do when her projects in progress are blinding her?  Cast on another florescent number of course.  On the top we have a new pair of stripey socks for the Bumblebee that I hope to have finished in time for her birthday early September, and on the bottom is a featherweight cardigan for myself.  I hope to have the cardigan completed by the end of my life.  Knitting a cardigan out of lace is insanity, but so soft.   What you don't see pictured here is a fair isle vest that I am about to start.   I still need to accomplish steeking this year, so I have chosen EZ's fair isle vest from her Knitting Workshop.  The Bumblebee loves vests, and I am too lazy to knit an adult-sized vest.  That's the truth of it.  I found some old Quebecoise 2-ply wool in the stash in bright raspberry pink, bright orange, bright green and bright turquoise.  Are you seeing a pattern?  This may be a good time to get my eyes checked.



  1. Wow, that's bright! I love bright though! I'm sure she'll love her gift.

    I love the color of your future featherweight. I hope to one day knit one before the end of my life too... ;p)

  2. Oh and the photo doesn't do your featherweight justice! The green on my computer screen is muted compared to the green it really IS.

    I have a DVD by Yeunny Jang for her fairisle vest - the Ivy League - if you want to borrow and watch it, I think it deals with steeking too :-)

  3. Love the socks!!!
    ...and the cardigan looks like it's going to be beautiful.
    (Can you tell I like bright colours too? =))

  4. Love love stripey socks. Those look so awesome, I'd love to attempt a pair of myself. Make sure you post a pic of your dd modeling them when you're finished!
