
Pass the Dutchie

Today we went "home" to see Sinterklaas.

The littlest and I rather enjoyed ourselves.  I had no idea about this Dutch tradition of Saint Nicholas.  Despite being one part Dutch, growing up we celebrated a Christian Christmas on December 25 with Santa sneaking down the chimney - very American.   My goal this Christmas is to skip the shopping malls, and instead we will spend quality time with family and friends.  There will be lots of ice skating, online shopping, wintry hikes, movie nights, board games, exploring other traditions, baking bonanzas, crafting, visiting, laughing, feasts, pyjama parties, and tobogganing.   Doesn't that sound perfectly fun?



  1. Having been the other half to a dutch boy, I can honestly say there are some seriously yummy eats created by the Dutch. The chocolate letters are pretty good, but the double dutch waffles will always be my fav!
    Sounds like a fun day!

  2. I thoroughly enjoyed our European Christmases as a child. We celebrated St. Nicholas Day too, but on the 6th December.

    I love tradition :-)

    And your Christmas plans sound perfect!

  3. That sounds super fun! The treats in the shoes look pretty fun too.

  4. Love the treats in the shoes too.

    Dec 5th is the Dutch Xmas, if I am not mistaken?

    Definitely sounds like a good idea to avoid the malls. I'm going no where near them this year either.
