
Pi Shawl

Last spring my parents went on a Baltic cruise, and they brought me back the most wonderful gift.  A giant skein of undyed sheeps wool from Estonia.  This was the best gift I've ever been given besides the three snow days in a row that Mother Nature just presented us AND the Mike Milbury autograph my dad brought me back from a baseball trip when I was in high school.  Don't ask.

I have spent months researching Estonian patterns -  borrowing books from the library and browsing the patterns on ravelry.  I just knew that the project had to be very special and worthy of the wool.  And then December came, and I was gettting anxious about my EZ project.   I need to finish a few last Elizabeth Zimmerman patterns in order to pull it off.  And then I found Wendy Johnson's Shetland Pi Shawl that she had designed to celebrate Elizabeth Zimmerman's 100th year.  It is more than worthy of my precious wool, and it is written in 5 easy-to-follow parts.  I finished part 1 yesterday before heading to bed, and I finished part 2 shortly after lunch today, and now I am into part 3. 

Of course, I should really be knitting Christmas gifts, but I can not stop knitting this shawl for the life of me.  I am loving it.  It's highly addictive.

And that was Snow Day #3.



  1. Wonderful!! I look forward to seeing it in person....

  2. Er, ah . . . EZ? What is that?!?! Doodle, it's gonna be awesome. I not so secretly hope you'll wrap it up for me! ;p

  3. Wow what a fabulous gift! And what a fabulous project to knit from it. I hope it all goes smoothly. I'm so eager to see it!!!

  4. I gasped a little when I saw the skein at the top. When I read where it came from, I started smiling/feeling slightly jealous.

    What a wonderful gift and excellent choice of project for it!

  5. That yarn looks so lovely! Can't wait to see the Pi Shawl done!
