
New beginnings

Over the weekend I opened up our carton of eggs to make Mr. T and I some breakfast.  I thought I saw one of the eggs wiggle ever so slightly.  Upon closer inspection I noticed that they were all starting to crack.  These were the only eggs that we had and I wanted breakfast!  Unfortunately the eggs had other plans.  Five minutes later these four little guys appeared and looked at me so sweetly I couldn't bear to throw them into the awaiting cast iron pan. 
And since it was the beginning of a new year and everyone deserves a second chance, yes, even little crocheted chicks, I opened the window and away they flew. 
Wishing everyone a new year full of much health, happiness, creativity, and new beginnings.



  1. So sweet!!! Will these be gifts for three nieces and one nephew for Easter? :)

  2. The little chicks were actually Christmas gifts that accompanied a gift of a dozen real chicks from Oxfam. The kids learned all about who would be getting the animals and why and they had their own little crocheted chicks as a reminder.
