
Weekend Musings

I've realized my idea of perfection in terms of Saturday mornings.  Wake up early while everyone is still sleeping, have a quick bowl of cereal, get dressed, drive to the market, knit with friends over cups of Balinese coffee, buy vegetables and fruit, drool over the cheese, smell the flowers, and return home to children fed and dressed - that part was just luck and a wee bit of timing.

Now it's Sunday morning, and I'm still in my pyjamas.  I've already got a roast and vegetables in the slow cooker, and the littlest has decided that today would be a good cupcake day.  She didn't have to convince me much, and now they are in the oven baking.   Next up, I have some finishing to do on a Simple Beret and the Ptarmigan Cowl, and there should be plenty of time to read a few chapters of The Heart is a Lonely Hunter.  I'll be staying under my cozy blankets and soaking up the sun from the front window like a lazy cat.  It won't be all lying about as I have a soccer game after dinner.  Think of it as conserving energy. :)



  1. This used to be my Saturday morning ritual as well, just add Bogey to the back seat. Got to love the market veg & goodies :)

  2. ooh! ooh! it's MY knitting! :D

    and i love the sound of your sunday! wish i was chillin' under a blankie and knittin!

  3. I want your Saturday - you've captured it beautifully in those photographs!

  4. Sounds like a lovely weekend! (Your weekend was WAY better than mine).

  5. Oh how I love the market. And the cheese...or yum. Looks like a great weekend.
