
Peaches, Plums and Pears

We bought a load of fruit on the weekend, and the girls and I have been eating a tonne, and it’s only Tuesday, and it’s nearly gone! I love the summer and the little market stalls on the side of the road. If I have an addiction besides wool, it would be fresh fruit. At this very moment, my desk is adorned with a peach, a nectarine, a grapefruit, a banana, a plum, some black cherries, a hill of raspberries, and five strawberries. I just ate the banana. I think I will save the plum for when we pick up B from daycare this afternoon – she is a new fan of plums. I nearly fell out of my chair. I’d like to be able to say that we haven’t been sitting on the crapper all day, but that would be a lie. What can I say? Fruit is excellent for cleansing the system.

Starting at 4 p.m. on Friday, I am officially on vacation. Yippee! I was thinking of taking the girls on some little road trips. I need to get out my map of Ontario and plan some excursions. I think the beach would be fun, or maybe some shopping in Port Huron or a day at IKEA. The girls love picnics, and I could hunt up some neat trails; however I am a freak about getting lost. Did I ever tell you the time that I got the fam lost on some trails in the middle of London?? J got a DVD player after that flop – like I owed him one. We also learned that E will only pee in a toilet even if there is no one around for miles, and J has no problem peeing on every tree in sight. I am going to ask the girls what they want to do during the week and see where that goes. Of course, I want to knit and sew and thrift, but perhaps I can do that each evening. Oh, and I can make dinners from all the Countessa cookbooks I borrowed from the library. Doesn’t it all sound so lovely??

I think I may give up on the second pair of handwarmers – the pattern is written horrendously. I have concluded that it is the pattern, not me. It seems reasonable to assume that considering how many times I have started knitting the dang things.

I made a small batch of guacamole last night and rather than add lemon juice and minced garlic, I used some Lemon-Garlic dressing that I bought from Remark, and it saved some time. J didn’t like it though and left it sitting there. But if it is easier, and I don’t think it tastes bad, shouldn’t he just like it for my sake?

Did you see Simple Sparrow’s towel beach blanket? I want to make one – it’s so pretty and useful! One or two of these would be perfect if I take the girls to the beach next week, don’t you think? If you have any ideas for amusing two girls sharing a wide age span, please share. I know that the week will fill up with dreadful things if I don’t plan this properly. I could also get the girls all ready for school, and spiff up the house from top to bottom. There’s so much to do, and only a week to do it.



  1. There's a nice picnic area & trails (& it's close to Port Franks beach) in Rock Glen. There are marked walking trails in Port Franks itself & it's only 45 min from London.

  2. Thanks, Elan! I forgot about Rock Glen. It was on the shun piker last year, and we ran out of time, and I promised myself that I would get back there at some point. I've never been. Are you the same Elan from the Gathering on the Green? If so, I visit your table every year for inspiration. I love the scarf kits! I probably have your business card somewhere . . .

  3. If I ate that much fruit my system would be cleansed, too! ha ha...

    Welcome to the knitting blog ring!
