It's your last week of unweddedness. I expect pictures of you and T and the civil ceremony. Keep the Augusts clicking.
Our weekend was filled with fresh produce, lots of family, one empty church nursery and silent cheers, very little knitting, and frantic reading. This is a third of what I have out at the library right now. The last Harry Potter is mine, and Drowning Ruth is borrowed. I've asked this before, and I will ask it again - Why do all of my holds arrive at the same time???
I did finish the hand/wrist warmers, and I used the timer so that I could take this picture. How nifty is that?
My arms are so freaking white. You would think that I have been holed up in the basement or something. I get out, people. I just happen to slather on a lot of SPF 60. Yes, they actually have SPF 60. I was oddly excited about this. I now have several bottles and tubes of it.
That's it for me. I have a busy week ahead not planning a wedding or anything, but more of the same. Knit Club, dinner guests and parking lot aerobics. Yippee.
Your wristwarmers look great. If only I could figure out how to use the timer on my camera.