J and I treated ourselves to bicycles yesterday – my bike from our years living beneath the poverty level was stolen years ago. The price of gas has really sparked the environmental activist in me. It wouldn’t hurt to lose a few pounds either. I don’t know what it’s like in other parts of the world, but here in London, a city with a population of 350,000; it’s rare to see a person out walking or riding a bike. I blame a lot of it on the space between all points of travel. However, J and I both work in the downtown area, and it takes us about an hour to walk the distance between our house and our workplaces. He tends to walk and take the bus more than I do because I do a lot of the dropping off and picking up of children. Neither of us minds walking or taking the bus when we’re alone, but neither of us want to be held up by the short legs of a 5-year old or an unenergetic 12-year old unless the walk is meant to be taken at our leisure.
So my next step is to get a couple of helmets, so I can begin to ride the bike to work. I can’t believe how expensive this ordeal has become. We’ve dropped a load on two adult bikes, a bike rack, two locks, and lights. Two helmets will set us back another $60 at least. I know, I know – you can’t put a price on your life. And I have to keep reminding myself that $60 has become three-quarters of a tank of gas that doesn’t last even a week! Yes, our vehicle is a shameless gas guzzler. Ugh.
How did my excitement so quickly turn into dread? It’s too much thinking. It’ll all pass once I get home and ride my bike through the neighbourhood at a breakneck speed with my hair whipping up in the air. Yes, that’s the ticket. Happiness is riding a bicycle up and down little tiny streets covered with great big canopies of green leaves and the smell of lilac bushes blooming in May.
When I was at the Knitters Frolic last month, I bought some raffle tickets, and lo and behold, I won a gift certificate to a yarn shop in Ann Arbor, Michigan. It was in the mail last night! What a treat! And speaking of more birthday treats, I nearly forgot to blog about these little cakes of 100% llama laceweight in my favourite shade of gold! Kat, my knitting chauffeur, went to Americo in Toronto, and I guess she figured I didn’t quite get enough for my birthday. The yarn Gods are looking over me! I think Kat would agree when I think that maybe I should put my gift certificate towards a yarn winder. Sheesh!
I am loving the inspiration from the Crafty Crow lately even though I haven’t had the time to put some of it to practice, but today I happened upon this project, and I think while I am out buying bicycle helmets, I will pick up a set of oil pastels at Michaels. This art is completely my speed and will appeal to the littlest as well as the oldest.
Your socks are coming our great congrats on winning the gift certficate good luck with the bike riding
you know. . . once I get my bike back we could go for rides together!! (er hum, you wanta go pick up my bike with me?)
It's fun to win knitterly treats! Congrats. Can't wait too see what you buy with it. It's an online store you can shop at? Or only a physical store?
I have a bike. I want to not be pregnant anymore so I can take Sean on the buggy that attaches to it! I miss bike riding. Now that I live in the suburbs again, I can bike ride!
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