I feel that sometimes I am wrapped up so much in my own personal day-to-day turmoil (mostly nonsense and silly stuff that isn't worth sweating like a lost planner) that maybe I am missing recognizing my friends and relatives' serious and sometimes painful issues. I mean, I sometimes say the wrong words or act silly and awk-mo or I completely forget (selective memory) or better yet, when I am the listener in a serious conversation, I frequently zone out trying to come up with appropriate words or a face to make to show that I really do care. I actually get so anxious that I might come off insincere that I completely miss the specifics and come off looking like an ass because I have to ask the poor soul to repeat their whole ordeal again. I wish that compassion was more natural and smooth for me. I am exceptionally lucky to work with the most sincere and caring people in the world. It's very easy to feel like a klutz around these women. I am sure T can attest to this ! I guess I just want the people I know for real to know that I try so hard, and it might look like I don't care at all, but the truth is all these realities keep me up at night. T once called me stranded at a motel in the most dire of straits, and I couldn't talk because I was laughing uncontrollably. That's what I do.
This afternoon I decided how I would recognize one special co-worker I know going through a very difficult time by dedicating my first lace project to them. I know that I promised T we would work on the Woodland Shawl together very soon, but I know she would understand. I was thinking of something quick, not too much pattern following - a wide comforting shawl that I could use my Knit Picks Shadow lace-weight merino wool. I came up with Elizabeth Zimmerman's Pi Shawl - I have the Knitter's Almanac, so this is perfect. I can make it as simple as I want. I have to count rows, but that's not horrible. It's doable. It's simply knitting in a circle, and I can handle that. How long could it possibly take? Maybe unconscientiously I needed to learn to knit so that rather than relying on words of comfort and making the right gestures, I can hand over a knitted item that speaks volumes about how much I care. Because I do care - a whole lot actually.
And look what Em brought back for me from the France pavillion at Epcot! A Manet original. Manet really painted this mug - I am most certain it is a relic. A relic in which I will relish sipping my peppermint tea. She also gifted me some sweet 'bon bons'. Only Em would be able to find a suitably classy 'cadeau' from a Disney gift shop! Isn't my 'tasse' most lovely? Merci beaucoup, Em.
Here's my slow progress on the Newfie Mitten. I just have the thumb to go. Well, and the matching mitten.Well, I just remembered that J recorded some 30 Rock for me to watch. He likes me.
Well I am glad you got a planner to have everything neat & tidy in that is a very pretty mug I love your mittens I am sure your coworker is going to love the shawl
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