A Case of the Mondays...

Dear N,

Hope your weekend went well. Mine just flew by as it was my first weekend back from Christmas holidays in Vancouver. You know how you always get sad after the excitement of the holidays is over? Well, I'm over that! I meant to pack away the decorations but ran out of time. I guess it'll just have to wait for next weekend. No excuses because it'll be a long weekend. Sweeeeeeet! Sorry to rub it in for all you Canadians.

Anyway, must remind T to download the software for the camera because this is getting silly. I'd like to show you some pictures of the house that I've been meaning to send to you since October. Instead, here are some fun things that I found during my noon hour blog cruise:

I am very close to ordering myself one of these egg-cubers. Happy Mundane tries it out with great success. We all know how much you like your hardboiled eggs, N!

Design Sponge's new shop has some beautiful artwork up for sale. Lovely!

The prettiest and most unique cupcakes over at Cupcake Bakeshop. I plan on trying out a recipe of my own--vanilla bean cupcakes with green tea buttercream. I'll let you know how it goes.

And although not a blog, this is my next project for my sister who is getting married this summer. Perhaps in a different colour to appeal to my future bro-in-law.

And on a completely unrelated note, to answer your question, yes, Minnesota is in a different time zone than Ontario.